Sponsor a Tribute Plaque at the Memorial
Remember a loved one or commemorate the fallen with a Tribute plaque at the British Normandy Memorial.
For £150 sponsorship, you will be able to dedicate a tribute plaque with a printed white inscription, attached to a 1.2m stake that will stand in the wildflower meadow of the British Normandy Memorial, for a minimum of 5 years – initially positioned in front of the Standing with Giants installation during Spring – Summer 2025.
The sponsorship will support both the Normandy Memorial Trust and the Standing with Giants charity.
Your plaque can include, if you wish, a silhouette of a soldier, sailor or pilot.
To sponsor a plaque, please complete the donation details below along with your wording for a personal dedication. Please aim for a maximum of 450 characters including spaces.
We will contact you to let you know how you can locate your plaque on site once it is in situ.
Any questions, please contact: Julie.verne@normandymemorialtrust.org
General enquiries: contact@britishnormandymemorial.org
56 Warwick Square, London SW1V 2AJ
Our accepted payment methods are
A company limited by guarantee:
Company number 10210480.
Registered charity number:
Registered office:
56 Warwick Square,
London SW1V 2AJ
Just Giving
By text
Text ‘DDAY10’ to 70470 to donate £10
Text ‘DDAY20’ to 70470 to donate £20
By bank transfer
Bank: Barclays Bank
Account name: The Normandy Memorial Trust
Sort code: 20-00-00
Account number: 43181243
To ‘Gift Aid’ your donation please print this form – Download Gift Aid Form – and either email it to Julie.verne@normandymemorialtrust.org or post it to;
Julie Verne
The Normandy Memorial Trust
Hunters Gate
Please do let us know if you make a donation via bank transfer so we can
personally thank you for your support.
By cheque
Please send cheques payable to ‘The Normandy Memorial Trust’ to:
Julie Verne
The Normandy Memorial Trust
Hunters Gate
To ‘Gift Aid’ your donation please complete this form – Download Gift Aid Form
and enclose it with your cheque.
Please read our privacy policy.